It’s time to say our final “Official” goodbye to you Sweet Boy. We’ll all be at the party to CELEBRATE your life. Please come and join us. AND KNOW THAT WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


 Leo you were my first nephew and you were much too young too leave us. Leo we didn’t see each other much once you grew up but when we did it was a happy time. I remember feeling very special when we did see each other. I have to say that my favorite memory was when you and your grandpa Leo went to my workplace to buy tile. The look of pride on your grandpa’s face being with his grandson, that was special.

  Leo you were a very special person with a good heart. I never told you that I loved you, guess it’s a guy thing, but I’m telling you now I love you and I will never forget you!

Till we meet again, bye and God bless you.

Your Uncle Henry

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