It’s time to say our final “Official” goodbye to you Sweet Boy. We’ll all be at the party to CELEBRATE your life. Please come and join us. AND KNOW THAT WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER.

Friday, June 17, 2011


I’m sitting here, again, today at least I have a beer.  Your mom says I better git home earlier or I won’t get any enchiladas for supper so I ain’t got much time.  I know you know what I mean!  You’d be telling me, “You’d better get your ass home soon!  You wouldn’t want to screw that up!” 

I measured the tallest sunflower (in the rain) dripping ass wet.  It’s 46 ½ inches to it’s tallest pedal.  When I was watering earlier I saw the gray cat with a tail (probably a lizard) hanging from its mouth and it was headed back to Paul’s.  Now that I’m sitting out front in this P.O.S. (piece of shit) chair you used to sit in and the gray cat came shooting around the corner but when it saw me, it must’ve left a 14 inch skid mark in the dirt.  I guess she thought it was you.  I’d measure the damn skid mark for you but I already put up the tape and I ain’t one for exaggerating, anyway, so you’ll just have to take my word for it. 

I moved the stuff off the McCulley Marine Series.  It’s a fine piece of glass work.  I guess we’re gonna take it down to Boo’s tomorrow.  I’m sure their gonna like it and don’t think I didn’t know the only reason you didn’t take it yourself is you didn’t think it was good enough.  They say an artist is his own worst critic and it’s probably true but I think it looks just fine and I’m sure Boo will to.

Well I’m starting to get depressed (the rain stopped).  I can still hear the thunder and everything but that’s ok, everybody else needs rain too.  Well I gotta run or else!  Oh yeah, your mother ain’t taken this very well!  You should tell her, “It’ll be alright!”  Asshole!

                                                                                      Love Andy. . . . .
June 15, 2011

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