It’s time to say our final “Official” goodbye to you Sweet Boy. We’ll all be at the party to CELEBRATE your life. Please come and join us. AND KNOW THAT WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

JJ (Antoinette's son)

Hey leo its hard to believe tat ur gone I wish we could of had more times like we did in Florida thanks for every thing and now wen I do things like go camping or roller skating I'll think of you!!  haha remember u got told off by the DJ in that roller skating place cuz u were waiting for me and we fell on our butts so many times and thanks for all those fun times again like going on the four wheeler and getting lost I wish I could of had seen u one more time and had one more fun time thanks for everything. I LOVE U hope to see u again.

Love JJ

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