It’s time to say our final “Official” goodbye to you Sweet Boy. We’ll all be at the party to CELEBRATE your life. Please come and join us. AND KNOW THAT WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I'm sitting here thinking and I remembered the first time I went to Home Depo with you I was about 7, and you only needed 6 screws and didn't have enough money to buy the box, so you used me to "sneak them out" or so you called it ;-) so you put them in my pocket and said even if they ask, they're not going to check a 7 year old, and we got the screws. Then you told me not to tell my mom.  Lol.  Well, this is the first she's ever heard of it, and i don't think she'll care.  She'll probably smile real big, ha ha.  We all miss you, Leo!!

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