It’s time to say our final “Official” goodbye to you Sweet Boy. We’ll all be at the party to CELEBRATE your life. Please come and join us. AND KNOW THAT WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER.

Friday, July 1, 2011


Hey Man
Just had time to say hey.  So Hey! Anyway I thought you might wanna know, your Mom’s in Albuquerque with all your aunties, well no, I don’t think Valentina’s there but she’s coming.  Yeah, yeah, their planning a memorial party.  No?  There ain’t gonna be enchiladas.  I mean, after all it’s a lot of trouble making them w/o onions.  I know your Auntie Trish don’t like onions but that’s not the point, it’s too much trouble to make enchiladas for all those mourners.  What?  Ok!  There are mourning, but don’t be so damned happy, Asshole!  Yeah, you got lots of people saying how much they miss you and how much you meant to them and all that.  I’ll bet some of em’ really believe what they’re saying but that don’t impress me much.  Ok?  Ok!  I’ll shut up and let you enjoy this, after all . . . ., wait a minute.  Ain’t you better off anyway?  Oh, so now you think about all those who’ll miss your ass.  Yeah, I know, I’m just busting your ass for showing up late for your own party.  You know hito, you really meant a lot to more people than you could ever know and more than you thought about getting closer to.  Yeah, I know, we all tend to take care of immediate problems dealing with what we want.  We tend to forget all of those who don’t see us and we don’t talk to regularly.  Then, first thing you know, you don’t remember all those who think about you and you go doing stupid stuff like, “not caring” and it’s not right.  You should’nt forget about those who care!  Sorry, I’m busting your chops but I guess it’s really too late anyway.  Don’t squeeze my head so hard! You’ll give me an aneurism or whatever it’s called.  Anyway, I love you BUBBA.  It’ll be alright!  Oh, don’t forget to tell your mother that she’s gonna be the one to hurt forever or till you know when.  Anyway, till then “Bosa my Kula”, it’s probably spelled wrong but it means “kiss my ass” in French.  Yeah, it was my first French lesson!  Never took anymore but when the hell was I ever going to France?  Hope to see ya soon.  Yeah Right!!!  Kiss my grits, asshole!  I still got shit to do down here.  There’s people who need me that I ain’t even met yet.  So, if I start walking out in front of a car or something, warn me, OK?  Na, I don’t expect ya to keep watch over me or nothing like that but you might check your blog and give some of them folks a “look see”  from time to time.  In the mean  time, keep your head outta of the clouds so it don’t blur you’re vision of what’s going on down here. 
Hasta la Vista BUBBA!                                   Love Andy!!!!!!!!!
June 1, 2011

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