It’s time to say our final “Official” goodbye to you Sweet Boy. We’ll all be at the party to CELEBRATE your life. Please come and join us. AND KNOW THAT WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hi Boys

Your are together now, dammit. It was hard enough losing Leo, and now you have left us, too. I spoke to Chris and she told me how good the last two weeks were for you two, how you seemed to be turning the corner from Josh's death and you were HAPPY, REALLY HAPPY. I am so sorry, Andy, that you died. Not just for Chris' sake, but because we loved you. I hope you are with Josh now and our Leo, and that you will watch over Chris and Carlos. And I hope that you can soften your daughter's heart some (I can't even bear to type her name), because she is making everything so very hard for Chris.

I wonder that people don't take better care of their loved ones, and prepare the way for them in the event of a tragedy like this. You truly screwed the pooch on that one. Your daughter is making Chris' life a living hell at the moment, and I know you will understand (even if you can't agree) when I say I hope she gets her comeuppance and pays dearly for her lack of compassion and human decency.

Fly well u til we speak again. Love PJ

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