It’s time to say our final “Official” goodbye to you Sweet Boy. We’ll all be at the party to CELEBRATE your life. Please come and join us. AND KNOW THAT WE WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I would like to make sure that you-all know that we will be happy to Post something for you on Leo's blog.  Please get to Antoinette, or Leona or Venessa what you wish to post, and I will do so ASAP.  But beyond that, down below each post is the word "comment," and if you point your mouse on that and click, a box will be brought up for your comments.  We hope you utilize this feature of Leo's Blog as much as you'd like because this will be the site Chris looks at and I'm sure that she will eventually want to read this.  I don't think she uses Facebook very much.



Sakira Baez said...

I am happy to say I knew Leo. He was an amzing person. I dated him back in 2004, I think. I stole his car believe it or not, not intentionally. It broke down on me and he passed out and I didn't have a phone... Anyway, we use to laugh about it all the time. Over time we went our seperate ways but we were always friends. He and I had many late night conversations about the changes we were making in our life. How hard we use to be. He was always shocked that a gangster could go gospel, lol:) He said if God got through to me, he could get to anybody...He even talked about goin on tour with me...someday, tellin people about what God had brought him through. I guess now, I get to share that story, It will be a privilege and a honor:)

Dianne said...

Dear Sakira,

Not now but someday i would love to meet you & talk to you.
I would love to hear your storys about my hito.
Thank you for being my grandson's
good friend. I also think he was an amazing person. my email is: