For those of you who were lucky enough to participate in the ‘Vote For Your Favorite Patch’ on Leo’s Biker vest, here are the results. Leo’s vest not only makes me cry when I see or think of it..because I can so see him being so proud when he wore it … but it also makes me happy and I laugh for the same reason! The vest is so ‘Leo’. … My love to you Baby Leo, I hope you are riding the biggest baddest harley up there in Heaven! My Love to my sister and Andy…May the angels hold you as you weep.
Top two winners were
It’s not the desitnation…. it’s the journey --- with 11 points
What a long strange trip it’s been---- with 10 points
Ride it like you stole it….8
If I have to explain, you won’t understand…. 8
Bad Ass Boys – Ride Bad Ass Toys… 7
Proud to be an American…7
Normal people scare me…. 6
Heavily sedated for your protection…6
Caution- Does not play well with others…. 5
POW*MIA – You are not forgotten…. 5
Born to be wild….5
Bomb Squad… If you see me running… try to keep up…. 5
Bad to the Bone…. 4
Ride hard or stay home…. 4
Too many freeks, not enough circuses…. 2
Live to Ride…. 2
My Helmet, my choice…. 1
Bikers are a rare breed…. 0